Alfred Decker Permaculture 2022
Tools & Empowerment For Positive Change

After having eleven courses cancelled or postponed in 2020 and five in 2021 due to Covid, I’m thrilled to announce four presencial courses for 2022, including two at my community in Catalunya, Spain, called Vidàlia:

2 Permaculture Design Courses with Starhawk:

I will also be co-facilitating a PDC for refugees at the end of September with Konstantinos Tsiompanos of the Sporos Regeneration Institute on Lesvos, Greece. Normally the participants of these inspiring PDCs are a combination of refugees and locals, however, there may be room for more people so write here if you are interested.
Lastly, I am working on creating an online version of Rosemary Morrow’s “Training Permaculture Teachers” course for the Permaculture Association of Britain‘s online educational platform, and am hoping to have it ready in the autumn of 2022. Please send a message here to receive more info.
Thanks for helping me to share this news with your peeps and on your social media.
Salud y permacultura,